Sunday, October 30, 2005 cigar

friday I stomped but not fast enough, 29.4mph. Clocks gone back, fucking bastard who thought that one up, how can I go running after work? In the fucking cold wet windy dark of course! Went walking this morning, 10 miles along the river loop, with windblasting my return leg. Reading "The Constant Gardener". Empire Magasine give 2 free posters for my walls: Batman Begins and Walk the Line adorn my walls. It seems strange that a week ago, Sunny and I were talking plenty but now it feels strange for me to be around when she is. Yet when Christine was here it was all cool. Miss Christine fuckloads, every second I think of her.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

im going to miss you, baby

Fuck, I hate saying goodbye. Almost as much as saying hello. For if you have to say hello then you have to say goodbye and that just renches the heart apart. Christine: beautiful, clever, slightly eccentric, German, great cook, friendly, warm, cheerful, exciting, runner. Oh, its so sad. Im really going to miss her.
We all (Lena, Sunny, Christine and I) went out for brilliant meal at Nandos in town, I had something really hot and it was really embarassing that my forhead was dripping with perspiration. Lots of photos were taken, and the food was really good. Earlier I'd been out running (for the first time in a week), the usually short route (3.2 miles) in 22 mins w/ a stop in the middle. Still buzzing now, cannot stop doing things, im off out. night-o!

Saturday, October 08, 2005


England through to Germany 2006! After I had to watch England patch out an atrocious but victorious battle against Austria, this evening Holland beat the Czech Republic and thus guarantee us a place in the World Cup 2006 in Germany. Nice!
Watched "Night Watch" in the cinema, very patchy but then I learnt that it is the first of a trillogy. If the pace picks up and a lot less nonsense goes on, it mite be worth following it ;)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Nose Butter

Fixated with fury on the next hundred meters of track, coughing up the next chapter of lung butter but managing to breath every so often proper air. Running with the snots is not meant to be. Breathing becomes bloody difficult. Unlike cycling where one can get a full lung of air and blow each nostril with full mite, I need my air for keeping me running. I have not arrived at the point where breathing is second nature (where one thinks not of breathing but of how fast one is going, where to put the feet etc). Autumn is here in full cold force.
I bought Paula Radcluffe's autobiog "My Story So Far". Im reading War and Peace (book 1) at the moment, so Paula will have to wait. Sorry love. Thinking of entering in a 10k event, need something to focus my running on. I want to increase my distance, even to 10k (6.2 miles). This is a challange for me!